Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Make website with the script of PHP

Maybe for the beginner likes me is not easy to learn making of website. But with the little try and practice it's possible to leran it. And then in the future can be a master in this thing. Like a dreammy..??yes..,maybe it's like a dream. But it's can be happened from dreammy and then can be a reality..!!

And now..,i want to share some book that's includes how to make some website with the script of PHP. Script of PHP..??What is that..??script of PHP is use to make some website which have some connection with the populair database programme like SQL to make some feature, like login, guestbook, and etc.
And for more, you can learn from this book. Click in here to download this book.

And at the end, i just want to say don't be affraid to learn and it can be make you a better people with the better thinkin and living..!!So..,keep spirit and move forward for the blogger..!!

Enjoy it..!!!

2 komentar:

sawa (tukang sapu radio) said...

Thank coy infonya... moga ada manfaatnya bagi ane. Do-ain and bantuain ane ya dalam desain, Mau kan?

Konsultan Gratisan said...

Semangat aja. Kalau hari ini ga bisa. Besok coba lagi. Kalau besok tetap ga bisa, lusa coba lagi. kalau lusa ga bisa...